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Total monthly Cost

RECUR360 & RECUR360PAY $118.99

This includes the RECUR360 Platform as well as RECUR360PAY for Credit Card and ACH payment processing. RECUR360PAY is required to process payments in RECUR360. NOTE: Prices are in USD






RECUR360 Platform Support and Maintenance Fee




• 4 Business Day Funding / Standard ACH limit is $3,000

• Next day funding and higher limits available upon request with 3 months bank statement

ACH Return Fee


ACH Transaction Rate over $5,000


RECUR360pay per/Credit Card % Fee


• 2 Business Day Funding

• In addition to all processing costs excluding interchange

RECUR360pay per/Credit Card Transaction Fee


Credit Card Chargeback Fee


Available Options:

Integrations and Features

Additional User Login


Enterprise API Integration


Avalara API Integration


Clover API Integration


Scheduled Recurring Invoice Changes


Transaction Exporter/Importer/Updater


Advanced Menu


Customer Portal Contact updater


Customer Type Email Templates


White Label Feature


* Minimum 12 months required. Contact us to add any of these to your monthly plan.

Credit Card Payment Processing Options

Accelerated Funding: Accelerated Funding provides you with deposits into your bank account in Two Business Days.


Daily Net Billing: Which means transaction fees are deducted daily, before your account is funded. Save .03% by choosing this option. This means your Qualified Credit Card rate would be the 2.77% instead of 2.8%.

.03% per Transaction Discount

Account Updater: A service that reduces declines by automatically updating your customers' card on file data when information such as Expiration Date, Address or CVV changes. The cost of this service is $1 per update.


Contact us to add any of these to your monthly plan.

What’s the benefit of our lower pricing?

You will save money by spending less time on manual accounts receivable work, chasing down late payments, and more.


Hours saved in A/R Work


Saved in Colletions

100k +

Total Invoices Sent

Love for RECUR360

We needed a solution to record weekly payments from our customers that was scalable and automatic based on our data in SalesForce. With RECUR360, we have ample customization to allow for the uniqueness of our Franchisees' accounting setups while maintaining core consistency and scalability.

Andrew Mondy | My Salon Suite


With QuickBooks Desktop RECUR360 uses the QuickBooks Web Connector to facilitate the synchronization of data. With QuickBooks Online RECUR360 integrates directly through the QuickBooks Online Web API.

  • After signing up for RECUR360 the very first step is to connect your account to your QuickBooks Desktop via the QuickBooks Web Connector or to provide your QuickBooks Online login credentials and approve RECUR360 as a QuickBooks Online App.
  • RECUR360 then syncs in the following lists (Customers, Items (Non-Inventory Products, Services, Other Charges), Sales Tax Codes, Sales Tax Items, Classes, Locations (QuickBooks Online) and Sales Reps (QuickBooks Desktop)).
  • When a recurring Invoice and/or Payment is generated in RECUR360 a matching Invoice and/or Received Payment is posted into QuickBooks in the Invoices or Received Payments module.
  • Each transaction posted to QuickBooks is appended with the RECUR360 Transaction ID in the Memo field so that you can Search for RECUR360 transactions inside of QuickBooks.
  • When an Invoice is being posted into QuickBooks, QuickBooks will generate an Invoice # and then during the sync that Invoice # will be written back into the RECUR360 Transaction as a cross reference so that QuickBooks Invoice #'s are searchable in RECUR360.
  • If you add/modify a Customer in QuickBooks, during the next Sync those additions or modifications will be written to RECUR360.
  • If you add/modify a Customer in RECUR360, during the next Sync those additions or modifications will be written to QuickBooks.
  • If you update an Invoice in QuickBooks that was originally generated by RECUR360 by adjusting the Balance Due, applying a Received Payment or applying Credit Memo, the balance due will then be written back to RECUR360 for that transaction during the next sync. This allows you to continue to receive and apply payments in QuickBooks or make changes to transactions and make RECUR360 aware if there is still a balance due or not.

There is no limit to the number of customers or transactions you can have in RECUR360.

RECUR360 will still process the Invoice and post it to QuickBooks. The Customer will be emailed the Invoice and state that the Payment Failed. The Invoice will show under Reports for Invoice Errors and have a Process Payment now button for you to try and reprocess the payment at a later date.

RECUR360 has multiple email templates that you can customize the verbiage on. The intent is to keep them very simple. If you need to send a more elaborate email or template you can generate and email that from QuickBooks.

If you disconnect your QuickBooks Desktop or Online data file from RECUR360 all Customers, History and Recurring transactions will be deleted from our system.

RECUR360 has a Prorate option on every Recurring Invoice. This allows you to Prorate the Price on the Items for the remainder of the Current month and process an invoice on the day you set it to Start, then on the next Renewal date it will process the full amount on the items.

RECUR360 supports Canada by providing French translations for our application and emails, while also working with the Intuit Canada App Store to ensure seamless integration for Canadian users.


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